Soil Pulling Technician & GIS Specialist

Job Purpose

This is a split position that will focus on pulling soil samples to use as the basis for recommendations for farmers and
agricultural industry individuals during the testing seasons. For the other portions of the year, this position focuses on the
creation and maintaining of shape files for the use of farmers and agricultural industry individuals.

Duties and Responsibilities

Soil Pulling Technician

  • Operate equipment including, but not limited to, ATV’s, GPS, PDAs, and soil sampling equipment.
  • Operate an ATV in the field while using GPS and GIS software to pull soil samples within specific locations and
  • use a soil probe to collect soil cores at each site.
  • Navigate using maps and plat pages in a truck and trailer to specified fields.
  • Document field conditions, soil anomalies, boundary/field issues observed when testing the field.
  • Responsible for transferring files to field equipment and back to server for records each day.
  • Maintain a clean and safe work environment.

GIS Specialist

  • Create and maintain shape files using ArcMap 10.6
  • Consult aerial photos, LiDAR imagery, yield maps, and soil lines to decide the best way to cut up a field for
  • sampling into zones.
  • Submit soil test orders on-line and box up soil samples to ship
  • Converting shapefiles into other file formats to fit different monitor types
  • Assist with onsite events and educational seminars


  • Must have clean driving record and valid driver’s license
  • Reliable transportation to and from work.
  • Ability to safely operate an ATV over a wide range of terrains and circumstances.
  • Comfortable driving a truck and trailer hauling ATVs
  • Ag background or degree in field of agriculture preferred but not required.
  • Detail oriented with ability to self-motivate
  • Ability to multitask and switch back and forth between projects
  • Able to work in small groups keeping on task and maintaining efficiency.
  • Ability to operate or willingness to learn how to use SMS Software and ArcMaps

Working Conditions

  • Seasonal hours: must be able to work long hours when needed (Time and a half paid for over time)
  • During soil testing seasons this position has a large portion of the work being done in corn and soybean fields. Applicants must be prepared to work outside in a variety of weather conditions.
  • This job will require riding ATVs across rough terrain, the ability to push the probe in the ground and pull back out to depths ranging from 6 inches to 2 feet, and the ability to lift boxes around 75 lbs.


  • This job is paid hourly at $15 per hour. Additionally, there are commissions paid for acres soil tested correctly and commissions on maps made, bonuses, and an opportunity for yearly raises. Overtime is at time and a half. This position has the potential to earn an additional $6-$8 per hour via overtime and commissions. That number is directly affected by employee’s speed/accuracy in soil testing and map making, in addition to hours worked.
  • Health insurance for the employee at no additional cost
  • After a waiting period, a 3% Simple IRA match is offered
  • 1-week paid vacation, 6 days sick pay, and 6 paid holidays.

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